Jumat, 20 Januari 2012

Unknown People (?)

Hi, bertemu lagi dengan postingan gue yang kebanyakan ga penting haha. maklum lah gue lebih senang cerita sama blog ketimbang sama diary diary yang kebanyakan orang sering nulis. Habis aku ga ngerti sih cara buat diary *flashback pelajaran B.indo tentang diary* klo nulis di blog kan ga perlu ada aturan suka suka gue blog blog gue ko haha. yasudah kebanyakan bacot, aku mau cerita tentang tempat curhatan ku nih. Selain di blog aku punya TEMAN!!! (finally, I got some friends. Setelah sekian lama -_-) This is it, orang yang sering sharing sama aku :

1. Christy 
ini adalah beberapa fotonya christy, this is it
 (Christy close up, manis yah disini -_- haha)
 (Christy pada saat disingapore ini, bersama sang adik tercinta haha)
 (Christy lagi hunting bersama keluarga di hellipet)
 (Christy lagi galau nih, habis ditinggal sang pacar haha ._.v)
 (Jaman dimana alay masih meraja lela, dan christy merupakan salah sayu korbannya wkwkw ._.v)

Ini semua adalah fotonya christy, anaknya gimana ya? Hmm, rada susah sih mau ngomongin nih orang. Orangnya complicated and rada lawas. Karna kelawasannya yang super duper lawasnya oleh karena itu dia diolokin NYAI LAWAS. Ini teman yang kudapat ditempat sampah *eh, habis ga ada yang mau mungut dia sih ._.v haha. dia sekolahnya sama kayak aku di JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 1 BALIKPAPAN (biar kelihatan elite sedikit haha). kelasnya pun sama kayak aku, aku kenal dia pertama kali di kelas 7 rsbi 7 saat pertama masuk smp dan berlanjut sampe sekarang dah. Aku juga sekelas lagi sama dia di kelas 8 RSBI 1 (kelas tercinta). Dia enak loh kalo diajak berkompromi atau cerita-cerita. Aku sering cerita sama dia dari hal yang ga penting sama sekali sampe hal penting. Semua rahasia ku ada di dia deh. Anaknya juga pintar loooh, buktinya aja dia masuk 10 umum haha. to know more about she u can visit : http://www.christyrhaina.blogspot.com/ oh yah nih ku kasih profile singkat tentangnya

Her name is Christy Raina Septiningrum Mamesah, usually I called her “ty”. She has the longest name of all student in my class. She was born in Balikpapan, Sept 3rd 1998. Her hobbies? I don’t know, Im just know she likes to sleep in her free time and of course she likes hang out with me haha.

*to be continue*

Kamis, 12 Januari 2012


Halloooo para visitors, how are you today? I hope you all are fine, because u must read my INTRODUCING!!!!!! Sudahlah capek basa basi pake bahasa inggris nggak ngerti juga aku *nahloh**abaikan* Lama nggak nge-posting nih, semenjak blog lamaku lupa password haha, berhubung dari pertama aku pake blog ini nggak ada perkenalan yasudah kumulai sekarang. langsung ke intinya aja yah haha ._.v
Hi, I’m Graini Annisa and you can call me Gray. I’ve been alive in this world for 13 years since march, 11st 1998. I’m a Pisces girl. This is my second blog, I made this blog because my last blog couldn’t opened anymore after I forgot the password. I’m very excited about this, and generally excited by anything else that falls into “Photograph” and “Cute or Cozy things”. My hobby is read novel and comic, hangout with my friends, SLEEP, Browsing, Listen to music. Listen to music? That is my favorite, I love to hear my favorite singer sing. She is TAYLOR SWIFT, I always collect all of her songs and collect her photo. I think taylor has an unique face. Hmm, and I like owl city, evanescence, paramoore, etc. browsing? I love browsing too. I had a lot of social network but just sometime I open that account except twitter I always sign in twitter, my username is @grreyansa u can follow me on twitter haha *promote*.
I love BALIKPAPAN. That’s where I live, when I’m lucky enough to be there. I’ve live here since 5 years old. I love the town so much, even if I wasn’t born in here but in here I grew up, learned about life and got a lot of friends and some bestfriend, they are CHRISTY, AARIN, CHIKA, and RIZKHA,  I met them in JHS.  I study at JHS 1 Balikpapan now, and my last school is in ES 005 Balikpapan Utara. Exactly, I’m a moslem. I love bright colors and things that make the reality seem more whimsical that it is.  btw I love the lucky number 13 same as my taylor swift haha. I over-thing and over-plan and over-organize haha. I’ve been like this since I was a baby, and I’m little talkative haha.
Curious about my face? You can look some of my photo. This is it
That’s all my photo that can I share for you, might my photo is little silly. I’m not beauty but I love my self and proud be me. I don’t care what people said out there haha. did you think why I wrote my introduce with English? Its not for be haughty, but its because I don’t want to you to read my intro and to measure my ability to speak English, so I’m sorry if there something wrong with the grammar hehe I don’t really understand about grammar.
 I think that’s important that you know that I will never change. But I’ll never be the same either. Must be the best person and always do the best for the best life.
I’m pretty stoked that you read this whole thing. I commend you for that. This was ridiculously long and you probably have to spent 2 minutes to read this crazy thing about me. Thank you I love you like I love the sparkles. :D see ya in next posting